Registration Consent

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Out of area registration without home visits: who to contact

We have recently registered you at the practice as an ‘out of area’ registered patient. As you live outside the Practice catchment area, when we registered you we explained that we are not required, under new guidance from NHS England, to provide you with a home visit. 

You may on occasion, develop an urgent illness or injury at home that means attending the GP surgery as normal would not be appropriate.

If you require a GP, please contact the Practice in the first instance. If we determine you need access to services local to where you live we may ask you to call NHS 111.

In these circumstances NHS 111 will direct you to the local service that has been established by NHS England for patients such as yourself. This local service could be a GP Practice near to where you live, the local walk-in or urgent care centre, A&E or minor injuries unit.

This local service will then decide if you can attend for an urgent face to face appointment with a healthcare professional or if a home visit is needed which will be based on your individual circumstances. 

If this is in the out-of-hours period when GP surgeries are normally closed – between 6:30pm and 8:30am weekdays and during weekends – NHS 111 will direct you to the local out-of-hours provider.

We would be grateful if you could please sign below to indicate your understanding and acceptance of the terms of your registration without visits

We have recently registered you at the practice as an ‘out of area’ registered patient. As you live outside the Practice catchment area, when we registered you we explained that we are not required, under new guidance from NHS England, to provide you with a home visit. You may on occasion, develop an urgent illness or injury at home that means attending the GP surgery as normal would not be appropriate. If you require a GP, please contact the Practice in the first instance. If we determine you need access to services local to where you live we may ask you to call NHS 111. In these circumstances NHS 111 will direct you to the local service that has been established by NHS England for patients such as yourself. This local service could be a GP Practice near to where you live, the local walk-in or urgent care centre, A&E or minor injuries unit. This local service will then decide if you can attend for an urgent face to face appointment with a healthcare professional or if a home visit is needed which will be based on your individual circumstances. If this is in the out-of-hours period when GP surgeries are normally closed – between 6:30pm and 8:30am weekdays and during weekends – NHS 111 will direct you to the local out-of-hours provider. We would be grateful if you could please sign below to indicate your understanding and acceptance of the terms of your registration without visits: 

Privacy Consent


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